Taking care of our GT Pie community: COVID-19
At the Grand Traverse Pie Company, our passion has always been to make a heartfelt positive impact on those that we serve: our associates; our guests; and our communities. In that spirit, we want to let all our guests, associates, and partners know what we are proactively doing in light of the COVID-19 concerns.
- The health and safety of our associates and guests is our top priority.
- We have increased the cleanliness and sanitation protocols in all of our pie shops. This includes frequent sanitation of all countertops, tables, chairs, door handles, sinks, bathrooms, and other high-touch surfaces.
- We are increasing education and training to all our associates around the proper cleaning and sanitation protocols.
- We are monitoring the health of our staff and are requiring those that are symptomatic to stay at home.
- We are constantly monitoring national and local organizations and are following best practices. For more information on some of these best practices, we recommend the sites listed below.
We hope that we can all work together to best limit the spread of this virus. We know that many of you may choose to not visit our pie shops with as much frequency during this outbreak, and we look forward to the time when we can once again fully share the Power of Pie one slice at a time.
Your friends at Grand Traverse Pie Company
Additional Resources:
What is your policy if an employee tests positive for Covid 19
Hi Jane, thank you for your question. We follow all recommended CDC and local health officials’ guidance on how to handle a positive test. Because details surrounding each individual case are different, there is a range of responses and courses of action which is why we defer to the experts when and if it occurs.