Help us feed Michigan’s youth this summer
Child hunger is a critical problem here in Michigan. Child poverty has grown to 25 percent and more than a third of Michigan children live in homes where no parent has full-time, year-round employment. Many of these children rely on school meals for their daily nutrition. However, when the school year ends, hunger sets in and these children often go without the food they need to grow healthy and strong.
Helping feed Michigan’s youth is as easy as apple pie! This summer we are proud to take part in supporting local food banks around the state of Michigan. We are donating a portion of all apple pie sales from our shops to help feed Michigan’s youth. From June 12th through September 7th a portion of every apple pie (crumb or pastry) slice, mini pie, or 9″ pie will be donated to the following charities:
- Gleaner’s Community Food Bank – Ann Arbor, Troy, Plymouth, and Brighton Pie Shops (Find out about the 5th Annual Hunger Free Summer ’15 campaign. The goal is to provide 2 million meals to hungry children while school is out for the summer.)
- Boys and Girls Club of Lansing – Lansing, East Lansing, and Okemos Pie Shops
- Shelterhouse of Midland – Midland Pie Shop
- Brother Dan’s Food Pantry – Petoskey Pie Shop
- Food Bank of South Central Michigan – Portage Pie Shop
- Father Fred Foundation – Traverse City Pie Shops
- Feeding America West Michigan – Grand Rapids Pie Shop
- Love, Inc. – Norton Shores Pie Shop
- Vigo County Schools Backpack Program – Terre Haute, IN Pie Shop
Watch for updates this summer as we reach our goal for a Hunger Free Summer!