It’s National Cherry Festival Time!
It’s that time of year again – the breezes are warm, the cherries are ripening in the orchards, and jets will soon be flying overhead! We invite you to join in the fun of the 89th National Cherry Festival. This year’s festival runs July 4th through July 11th.
Come see us at the National Cherry Festival:
- Cherry Crumb Pie – Enjoy a slice of the National Cherry Festival’s Signature Pie. It’s available everyday at the Open Space.
- Cherry Pie Bike Ride – Sunday, July 5th, 9:30am – 12:00pm. Enjoy a beautiful 10 mile bike ride along the TART trail and receive a voucher for a free slice of pie from Grand Traverse Pie Company. Details.
- Cherry Rhubarb Pie – In addition to the famous Cherry Crumb pie we will be featuring Cherry Rhubarb pie at the Open Space on Wednesday, July 8th. This pie is made with local rhubarb from Bewitched Farm on Old Mission Peninsula.
- Cherry Pie Make and Bake – Don’t miss this annual tradition! Bring your kids to the Open Space between 10:00am and 4:00pm. They will learn the process of making a cherry pie and make their first pie to enjoy at the Open Space or take home.
Get all of the festival details at CherryFestival.org.