Congratulations to the Pi Day Video Contest Winners!
In honor of the coolest and yummiest mathematical day of the year, for the second year in a row, we invited our friends to submit Pi Day videos for a chance to win free pie and bragging rights. We received so many wonderful videos and truly enjoyed each and every one of them. There are a lot of smart and creative pi and pie fans out there. Congrats to our winners!
Most Creative Pi Day Video Award – Mary Gossell
Congratulations to Mary Gossell! She is the winner of our “Most Creative” category for the 2016 Pi Day Video Contest. Mary is a music student at Michigan State University. She wowed us by singing the first 50 digits of Pi but was unique in that she assigned each digit to a specific pitch. Awesome job, Mary!
Honorable Mention – Creative Pi Day Video – Max Lovy
Congratulations to Max! He received an Honorable Mention award as a “Most Creative” video. We loved his creative way to showcase the digits of pi. Way to go, Max!
Most Pi Digits in 15 Seconds Video Award – Kelly Klettner
Congratulations to Kelly Klettner! She is the winner of our “Most Pi Digits in 15 Seconds” category with a total of 102 digits. Kelly not only celebrates Pi Day every year but her birthday also falls on the same date. This year she celebrated her 16th birthday. Kelly says she loves math and pi (hopefully pie, too)!
Honorable Mention – Most Digits in 15 Seconds Video – Aaron Pieniozek
Wow! Aaron, who is 11 years old, currently knows over 230 pi digits by memory. We would love to see that! In just over 15 seconds he was able to recite over 100 digits. Aaron is in 6th grade, although his school has him in 8th-grade math (we can see why!). His mom tells us that Aaron has always loved math, especially mental calculations. This past fall he competed in the World Education Games and placed 2nd in the United States and 20th in the world for math for his age group. Truly amazing job, Aaron!
Best Pi Day Kids Video Award – Under 12 – Jackson
Congratulations to Jackson! Jackson is in the 4th grade. His family loves pi so much that they hold an annual Pi Day Potluck and love to feature lots of delicious treats – including pie of course. Jackson had submitted a video last year for our Pi Day contest and creatively used last year’s video in the background to show how many more digits he has learned this year. We counted 72!! Pretty impressive, Jackson. Enjoy your Pi Day pie!
Grand Prize – Best Overall Pi Video – The Grams Family
This year we added a little extra incentive to the Pi Day Video Contest! We decided to award Pie For A Year to the best overall video that was the most informative (and entertaining) on how Pi is used in our everyday lives. A huge CONGRATS to the Grams Family! We love that this fun video was a family effort. Mom, Kristin, said, “My husband David and I have three kids, two of which helped with the video. Ellen (10) sang with me and you see Ben’s (18) hand in the video. The inspiration was pie… The idea of changing the lyrics to the song That’s Amore just popped into my head when I started thinking about what we could do for a video. Ellen had the idea to use props on sticks once we decided on the lyrics, so she made those, and we looked around the house for circles – we could have filled the whole table!”
Grand Prize Honorable Mention – The Vanderwey Family
Congrats to the Vanderwey Family! They received an Honorable Mention in our Grand Prize category. We love that this fun video on the history of both pi and pie was a family effort. Mom, Susan, said, “It was a wonderful learning experience for my kids to research information about pie and pi, to compose the skit and to work as a team with differing ideas and skills. In this little project, we were able to learn history, math, drama, composition, note taking, and geography. And….it sure was fun!” Congratulations, Vanderwey Family!
CONGRATZ 2 ALL!!!!! Very Creative!!!! Don’t forget to order your Easter Pies and desserts!!!! Thanx for sharing!!!!!