2022 GT Pie Provides Funds For A Hungry Free Summer For Kids
Apple Pie + You = Provides a Hunger Free Summer For Kids
Grand Traverse Pie Company Celebrates the Goodness of Pie Supporting Kids’ Non-Profits with Donating Funds
GOAL: To Provide Over 100,00 Meals
(Traverse City, MI) June 14, 2022– Grand Traverse Pie Company is passionate about being an active and supportive community business. Again, this summer Grand Traverse Pie Company along with the Michigan Apple Committee is dedicated to ensuring kids throughout Michigan, and Indiana have a hunger free summer. While the end of the school year typically means beach days and no homework to many kids, it also signals a time of year where families struggle to replace meals that were provided at school. Over half of the children in Michigan and Indiana are reliant upon free, and reduced-fee meals during the school year. That is why Grand Traverse Pie Company is again helping non-profits organizations to stomp out summer hunger throughout both Michigan, and Indiana.
This summer will be the eighth consecutive year that GT Pie Company will use a portion of proceeds from Apple Pie Sales (slices, mini pies, and whole pies) in all GT Pie shops from June 15th through September 5th supporting non-profits and food pantries throughout Michigan and Indian. During the first seven years of the ‘Hunger Free Summer’ campaign, Grand Traverse Pie Company and its partners have contributed over 435,000 meals through key partnerships with food banks and kids’ meal programs. Last year alone the Grand Traverse Pie family contributed funds to produce over 105,200 meals. Co- Founder Mike Busley states, “Our children are our future and have every right to be fed nutritiously each day. We are so pleased to help strengthen the lives of children; this is such a great example of celebrating the goodness thru pie and sharing our core values.” Each dollar contributed to the Hunger Free Summer program represents SIX meals provided to students throughout the state of Michigan.
Helping our youth have a hunger free summer is easy as Apple Pie
Grand Traverse Pie Company’s 14 pie shops made apple pies from scratch every day. GT Pie teamed up with multiple food banks/pantries throughout both Michigan and Indiana.
- Ann Arbor – Gleaner’s Community Food Bank
- Brighton– Gleaner’s Community Food Bank
- East Lansing – Boys and Girls Club of Lansing
- Grand Rapids – Kid’s Food Basket
- Lansing Downtown – Boys and Girls Club of Lansing
- Midland – Shelterhouse of Midland
- Norton Shores – Love, Inc.
- Okemos – Boys and Girls Club of Lansing
- Plymouth – Gleaner’s Community Food Bank
- Portage – Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes
- Rochester Hills – Rochester Area Neighborhood House
- Terre Haute, Indiana – Vigo County Schools Backpack Program
- Traverse City, Front Street – Father Fred Foundation
- Traverse City, Park Street – Father Fred Foundation